Sunday, July 28, 2013

In the Forest of Life

There was a glass which had a single drop of water in it.
The monkey, an 'optimist'[?], called the glass "partially filled" and when it was thirsty,  ended up having no water to drink.


The hot sun was bearing down on the sands of Saharan Africa. The King of the forest had just had its full lunch and was having a leisurely stroll. It saw a deer stealthily making its way away from it. Their eyes met and the lion smiled. The lion and the deer went for a walk.

A week passed. The King had found it difficult to find a prey that week. As it started out from its den, it saw the same deer walking past. The deer came up to say a hello.

The lion was happy that evening. The past had affected current judgement, the prey had come that day without him having to work for it.

An elephant and an ape lived in a forest. They became close friends and fell in love with each other. They decided to get married. The elephant wanted his marriage to take place in a beautiful rose garden which was located on the opposite bank of the river.

The elephant and the ape started crossing the river. The water flow in the river that season was very high and Midway through, the ape couldn't keep itself afloat and drowned and died. The Ape , though it knew its limitation that it was a poor swimmer didn't want to disappoint the elephant and was washed away with the current.


There was a lush green forest on the banks of a river with delicious fruits hanging from its high branches. A tribe of monkeys were feasting themselves on the fruits. An elephant came along the way and looked longingly at the fruits. The monkeys were having a hearty laugh at the elephant's inability to reach the branches.

Suddenly, an earthquake occurred and the tree fell down trapping several monkeys under the branches. The elephant lifted the branches which had fallen on the monkeys and threw them away. And then, it went on its way.

The eyes of the monkeys were filled with tears.


A kettle of hawks were living on a hilltop. A hunter came there everyday trying to capture them. He would spread his net in the morning and go away on his work. The greedy hawks went everyday to eat the prey and used to get caught. But, on the same hill, also lived a mouse which was fond of nibbling at nets. The mouse would tear the nets everyday and the hawks would fly away and the hunter, not knowing what happened , would get frustrated and repeat the same procedure the next day.

One fine day, one of the hawks, killed and ate the mouse. That day, following usual procedure the hawks got caught in the hunter's net. But there was no mouse to free them now. The happy hunter took them all away.

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